My surfing strategy!

Today I'm going to reveal how I'm getting great results

with traffic exchanges, because yesterday we as a team
got 11 people who opted into our list and 3 of them asked
for more information.

First step is to make sure your ads are rotating the whole time.

When you log in you should put as many URLS as your free membership
allows and assign credits in a way that will never run out of them.
This takes a lot of surfing but it does two things.

1)Make sure that every member of the traffic exchange sees your ads
2)Builds trust as it takes 7 or more times for people to act on your ad.

The more people see you, the more they tend to like you.

Second step is to, what I call it, "do damage"!

Think of surfing this way...the more you surf, the more
other free members have to surf. If you surf 1000 pages
a day on a given exchange, you just caused free members
(assuming they get half credit for page) to surf twice as much.

That gives you longer time to build a better chance to convert
that person who ignores your ads to your side and makes him/her
harder to succeed.

So your work becomes more valuable. And this is without taking
listbuilding into consideration. That's a topic for other time.

Hope you learned some insights. Till next time!

Stay blessed ;)


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