How To: Love
Want to hear what I learned about love?
It's interesting to say the least...
Growing up no one was teaching me about relationships or love.
People were talking about love but admitted that no one knows what it is.
We all want to be loved deep inside but we rarely notice love in its
smallest expressions. Expressions like fresh air just after a warm rain.
Do you remember how it feels? I still do! It's like all nature comes
out to embrace you and lift you up. It's like lovers meeting after a long
waiting period.
Most of us have already experienced our first love. To me it was at the age of 14
when I saw a girl walking inside my cousin's room. I couldn't look away, I was
totally absorbed by her and wanted to move closer and closer to her, even
though I was very shy. And when it came time to say goodbye, I tried to kiss
her on the lips, but I was too nervous and ended up missing her lips, kissing her
on her chin.
I was just 14 years old and when I received a love letter from her, with her
handwriting on it, I sank deeply inside and walked away from love. I felt
unworthy and insecure. People always told me, you are not enough.
I moved on and so did she.
Little did I know that how I felt about myself could change with wisdom that
comes from life experience. I could be happy with her and live a totally different
life from what I live now, if only I stuck with her and dealt with issues.
"She" has always been my dream. I just want a loving, true and dear woman by my side.
Forwarding to today, I have found a woman of my dreams but we aren't together
because I'm still waiting on her. She lives in another country but I'm not moving.
So here is how I approach this situation...
I keep in touch with her and express the love I feel for her. I write poems,
beautiful messages with kind, loving words. I do this to show her how I see love.
Everything I do is with the intent to make her feel better about herself. Good things
comes to those who wait and I have been waiting for 10 years. I know I'm getting
closer, even though she has gone through 3 relationships during this time and I
stick with her because I know relationships fall apart. I truly wish she would be
happy with me or without me.
It's a woman you have seen in my ads.
This woman is worth waiting for, no matter the years. I let you in on a secret, you can't
possibly waste time. Time is always spent with intent and meaning and lack of love
is what doesn't allow people to see it. If you could open a vision that expands,
you would see how beautiful life is. The more fear you face, the more love comes
your way.
Love comes again!
To love is the purpose of life.
Everyone who lives is able to love.
Love is the answer.
Love is the key to freedom.
Truth can bring love to your life.
Seek truth that has been in this world since ancient times.
Do not settle for less than love.
Love is slow minded, if you do it fast it won't last.
My parents came together quickly and now they are separated.
Domestic abuse, fights over money, lack of willingness to listen,
understanding and support. Broken heart. Sickness.
We all have to pay a prize. So pay a prize for the highest gift,
the gift of love. It's not over until it's over.
Express your love today and see what comes your way! It's always
a start of something new. Thank you! :) Your #1 Fan In Traffic Exchange Success,
Andrew Levin
It's interesting to say the least...
Growing up no one was teaching me about relationships or love.
People were talking about love but admitted that no one knows what it is.
We all want to be loved deep inside but we rarely notice love in its
smallest expressions. Expressions like fresh air just after a warm rain.
Do you remember how it feels? I still do! It's like all nature comes
out to embrace you and lift you up. It's like lovers meeting after a long
waiting period.
Most of us have already experienced our first love. To me it was at the age of 14
when I saw a girl walking inside my cousin's room. I couldn't look away, I was
totally absorbed by her and wanted to move closer and closer to her, even
though I was very shy. And when it came time to say goodbye, I tried to kiss
her on the lips, but I was too nervous and ended up missing her lips, kissing her
on her chin.
I was just 14 years old and when I received a love letter from her, with her
handwriting on it, I sank deeply inside and walked away from love. I felt
unworthy and insecure. People always told me, you are not enough.
I moved on and so did she.
Little did I know that how I felt about myself could change with wisdom that
comes from life experience. I could be happy with her and live a totally different
life from what I live now, if only I stuck with her and dealt with issues.
"She" has always been my dream. I just want a loving, true and dear woman by my side.
Forwarding to today, I have found a woman of my dreams but we aren't together
because I'm still waiting on her. She lives in another country but I'm not moving.
So here is how I approach this situation...
I keep in touch with her and express the love I feel for her. I write poems,
beautiful messages with kind, loving words. I do this to show her how I see love.
Everything I do is with the intent to make her feel better about herself. Good things
comes to those who wait and I have been waiting for 10 years. I know I'm getting
closer, even though she has gone through 3 relationships during this time and I
stick with her because I know relationships fall apart. I truly wish she would be
happy with me or without me.
It's a woman you have seen in my ads.
This woman is worth waiting for, no matter the years. I let you in on a secret, you can't
possibly waste time. Time is always spent with intent and meaning and lack of love
is what doesn't allow people to see it. If you could open a vision that expands,
you would see how beautiful life is. The more fear you face, the more love comes
your way.
Love comes again!
To love is the purpose of life.
Everyone who lives is able to love.
Love is the answer.
Love is the key to freedom.
Truth can bring love to your life.
Seek truth that has been in this world since ancient times.
Do not settle for less than love.
Love is slow minded, if you do it fast it won't last.
My parents came together quickly and now they are separated.
Domestic abuse, fights over money, lack of willingness to listen,
understanding and support. Broken heart. Sickness.
We all have to pay a prize. So pay a prize for the highest gift,
the gift of love. It's not over until it's over.
Express your love today and see what comes your way! It's always
a start of something new. Thank you! :)
Andrew Levin
Can't believe, beautifully written. Just loved it.