Day Eighteen!
Ciao and welcome to day 18!
Why Traffic Exchanges are the best use of your free time?
First, you have to realize that biggest expense you have
are the things you don't know! So training is essential!
Secondly, traffic exchanges are free, game like environment
where everyone has agreed to make money.
So if you want to stand out, use the ages old proven method
of providing a product or service for free.
Give your best piece for free and people will wonder, if this
is what I get for free, how awesome is the thing I will pay for?
No where else in the world you can enter a game like environment
so simple that most people can do it, and provide any kind of service,
even if it just surfing - for free!
You can make friends here by just putting out an ad and engaging
in friendly ways. Anyone has the capability of friendship.
And once you have friend by your side, they would like to do business
with you. When you earn, they earn. It isn't hard to find opportunities like that.
You can start that with traffic exchanges.
With the Food Game you can earn gold for surfing and use that gold
to help your friend to upgrade at traffic exchange that gives you generous
commissions and traffic.
No cash needed!
Traffic can be used to increase amount of friends you can interact with
and in return make a win-win situations. In fact, there is a win-win-win
interaction, because you also help the traffic exchange owner.
Everyone is interested to generate exchange and growth. Everyone wants
to see others succeed!
The little competition we have here is because people instead of friendship
view other people and threat them like sales and leads.
Terrible thing. I wouldn't like to call you a lead. I prefer a friend, if you don't mind! :)
This is what is hurting traffic exchanges because it's a bad attitude that was
created when selling things online was super easy comparing to now.
All that marketing jumbo that most people use and teach is no where near
necessary anymore. Don't treat this like a business or marketing and you
will stand out like no other and people will like you.
Because we are all humans and no one needs to feel like they have been tricked
or feel the need to push other people's emotional buttons just to get paid.
Kindness, friendship, togetherness and understanding that we all need to work
for are the truly valuable things!
That is what you are - most valuable being that I can call my online family!
Now you know what to do! How to do it is easy and simple.
So follow along our journey and you will know how! It starts with our friendship
and the effortless effort we are going to put towards bettering each other.
Go ahead and do your daily surf! Get that gold, learn new recipes and do
some exploring on your own! You are an amazing person! :)
Done :)