Day Twenty Eight!

Hi and welcome to day twenty eight!

You have come a long way already,  yet
there is plenty to learn every day!

Let's keep on going! :)

Today I want to talk about making cash while surfing!

It is very important to get traffic and cash at the same time,
so you stay away from debt and earn income, no matter how small.

I see it this way...if you are not willing to do things for little money,
you won't do them for big money.

So here are todays steps:

Step 1) Make sure you are promoting your LeadsLeap coop
in every traffic exchange, To access your LeadsLeap coop,
first log into your account and go down to Earn --> Coop Earnings

Step 2) Copy your Coop Link: mine is

Step 3) Every Friday you can check back your earnings this week:

Step 4) You can increase your earnings if you sell your LeadsLeap credits daily:

Step 5) Convert credits into Cash

Step 6) Make sure in every traffic exchange that you join, you have at least 1 LeadsLeap coop link!

Step 7) Surf for daily active bonus reward and extra credits you need to encash every day.

Over time, even if you get 10 cents per day, in 100 days that will be $10 that you can take home.
This will make you appreciate money more and make a stronger, better connection between
your sub mind and conscious mind, making it easier to recognize profitable opportunities.

I'm serious, you will start to attract profits! And profits are better than wages :)

That's it for today! Tomorrow we'll look into more tools at LeadsLeap!

Click here for day Twenty Nine


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