Day Thirty Three

Hi and welcome to Day Thirty Three!
Put on your reading glasses! :)

It has been a long way to get here,
but if you made it, that means now
you have a professional page that
is ready to receive leads!

To gather leads you need to use
traffic exchange coops and increase
your click power + the traffic flow

Don't worry if it seems a bit too much,
we will take it one bite at the time.

Firstly, let's talk about coops!

Coops is a simple way for you to get
traffic from other traffic sources that
you are using!

Each person in coop receives their link
where they sent traffic to and then others
do the same from different traffic sources

It is like a big exchange with multiple sources
of traffic coming in from all sorts of folks enjoying
different exchanges.

We can take that as an advantage

There are LeadsLeap Coop, Genie Traffic Coop,
The Downliner and my favorite: HarvestTraffic Coop

There are also quite a bit of smaller coops too!
But since we only have 24 hours a day, we can't
explore them all as one person using them all.

We have to pick

HarvestTraffic Coop let's you avoid traffic sources
that you don't like or know don't work for you

In my experience I always avoid the exchanges
I send traffic from with exception of few sites.

I am constantly receiving subscribers from

1) HungryForHits
5) EasyHits4u
6) Traffic splash
and 9) Hit2Hit

Other sources don't work that great,
but combining with HarvestTraffic
your credits in other exchanges are
worth gold

Today take it easy!

This was just an overview
and tomorrow we will take
steps to set up our ads in a
way that will give us the best
chance at generating list of subscribers

Click here to go to Day Thirty Four!


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