How to earn half a credit every second!
Let's get to it!
You are about to discover a simple free way
to surf multiple traffic exchanges earning you
half a credit as a free member.
NOTE: If you would like to download an installer
for this script and make it easier to access, please click here
It will download a zip file. Unzip it and install, run as an administrator!
Please note that, to end the script, simply press ESCAPE on your keyboard.
To pause the script and interact with the traffic exchange, simply hold SHIFT key.
Here are the steps for SELF installation:
Step 1) Go to
and download the software we need for surfing:
Step 2) Once downloaded and installed, right click on empty space on
your desktop, hover over New-> and select Autohotkey Script
Step 3) This window will appear. Type in name MultiSurfing and click Edit:
Step 4) Paste in the code below this tutorial, in a section that starts with P.S.
Very important! Click File--> Save to complete the AutoHotkey script.
exchanges opened and you are ready to surf, then click on Run as administrator
To exit the script, press escape! To interact with the page you are looking at,
simply hold down SHIFT key.
Now you can surf with ease and totally free of cost!
If you are wondering how I am earning money for free
using traffic exchanges, start by following my guide with
over 40 lessons! Navigation is here:
Choose whichever topic or lesson you want to practice.
Huge hugs and thanks!
P.S. Here is the script code: Highlight and copy/paste!
; Variable to track whether the script is enabled or disabled
Toggle := true
; Variable to track the number of left clicks
ClickCounter := 0
; Variable to track whether Shift key was held down during the last click
ShiftHeld := false
; Variable to store the start time of the script
StartTime := A_TickCount
; Hotkey to trigger left mouse click and then change tabs with left mouse button
; Check if the Shift key is not held down
If (!GetKeyState("Shift", "P")) {
ShiftHeld := false ; Shift key was not held down
If (Toggle) {
; Save the current mouse coordinates
MouseGetPos, StartX, StartY
; Simulate left mouse click
; Move the mouse back to the original position and simulate Ctrl+Tab
MouseMove, %StartX%, %StartY%, 0
Send, ^{Tab}
; Increment click counter
} else {
; Send the left mouse button if the script is disabled
; Display click counter and elapsed time underneath the mouse cursor
ElapsedTime := (A_TickCount - StartTime) / 1000 ; Convert milliseconds to seconds
Minutes := Floor(ElapsedTime / 60) ; Calculate minutes
Seconds := Mod(ElapsedTime, 60) ; Calculate remaining seconds
FormattedTime := Format("{:02}:{:05.2f}", Minutes, Seconds) ; Format time as MM:SS.SS
ToolTip, Clicks: %ClickCounter%`nTime: %FormattedTime%
; Hide the ToolTip after a short delay (500 milliseconds)
SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, 500
} else {
ShiftHeld := true ; Shift key is held down during this click
SetTimer, RemoveToolTip, Off
; Hotkey to handle Shift key release
+Shift Up::
If (ShiftHeld) {
; Do nothing when Shift key is released
ShiftHeld := false
; Hotkey to exit the script when Escape is pressed
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