Viral Traffic Exchange List Building System Day 2 P1

Hey and welcome to Day 2!
It's time to show the most comfy way to surf exchanges!

Hope you are ready for it comes!

Before we start, however, let me remind you of split view! With split view it is much
more fun way to follow the training! Simply press the Windows key + Left arrow
for a window to go left, then select a new window and press 
Windows key + Right arrow for new windows to go right!

Click this video from Day 1 of training for an alternative way to do it!

Instead of clicking on links in this guide, just drag them to other side!

You can use this view to surf exchanges and watch some videos on the same screen!
To exit the split view simply press windows key+ arrow up a few times to maximize the window!

Let's continue!

Step1) Download, install and open Firefox browser! It takes the least amount of resources
than any other browser and works great! Use it just for surfing traffic exchanges!

Step2) Once you opened Firefox, go to and click Install for Firefox


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