Day Nine!


Today we are going to make surfing super efficient!
I also want to tell you that you are close to the exam,
where you will be able to show all you have learned so far!

Let's keep going!

This is how 1 minute of my super efficient surfing looks like:

I'm using upgraded membership of CamelTabs for maximum speed, but
if you don't want to spend small bit of money, you can use QuickTabChange
which will be free forever!

The reason why I love CamelTabs is because it picks up all the games for me.
So I never miss them and I can earn my upgrades fast. When I earn upgrades
for free my upline earns commissions which is awesome. I love helping my upline.

Anyways, here's how to set up Super Efficient Surfing even if you don't use CamelTabs.

You need a couple of extensions. First: PinUnpinAll (click to add to chrome)

Once installed, make sure you pin them all to the navigation bar as you learned from me.
Right click on "Tab Wrangler" and select "Options"

Set up these options. You can change them to suit you if you want, but I want my unused tabs
to be closed after 35 seconds! You might set it to just few seconds if you are not going to use CamelTabs! 

Set auto-close tabs to 1 or 2, I prefer 1 to save my computer resources. You can pause, unpause 
tab wrangler at any time(I use this quite often)

For this to work, you must pin all your traffic exchanges so tab wrangler would never close them for you. Use "pin unpin all" extension to pin traffic exchanges.

So now all you have to do is surf traffic exchanges and pay attention to foodgame icon that
comes up every 25 page views. Or you can use CamelTabs for free to pick up foodgame for you, making surfing a whole lot more productive and fun!

Simply pause rotation in cameltabs and use QuickTabChange to rotate tabs and surf exchanges!

When you click on the icon, it will open it up and stay focused on the traffic exchange. Tab Wrangler will close the foodgame for you automatically.

You can also click on "the spot" link while surfing and it will close it for you after the timer runs out, which is less than 35 seconds.

Now that you have a super efficient surfing at your fingertips, it's time to learn about my best traffic exchanges that work for me over the past two years.

1. TrafficAdbar (It's tricky to make it work with CamelTabs, but I will show you how in the future)
6. Hit2Hit ( It's slow with CamelTabs but if you don't mind then use it.)
11. Choose Traffic Exchanges That Just Launched or The One You Like To Surf At!

I personally surf traffic exchanges that are a part of premium food game and platinum at
the FinestTraffic's Surf Pool and always include TrafficAdbar and EasyHits4u to maximize my
earning potential.

So Join these traffic exchanges, set up your ads, save your affiliate links, put your affiliate ID in the foodgame and start the "Super Efficient" surfing! Use QuickTabChange or/and CamelTabs and click it away! 

Today I challenge you to reach 100 page views at one of the traffic exchanges! If you can do it, I will show you how simple it is to share that result with everyone. 

Don't forget to bookmark these new traffic exchanges together for future use! Bookmark
the surfing URLS so you go straight to the surfing session once logged in!

Tudolock! Till next time! :)

P.S. Use this video as a visual aid


  1. Hi, EasyHits4U wont let me confirm either of my leadsleap urls, referral and rotator. It says they dont load inside their frame?

    1. Hey, Kevin! It must be a temporal thing! Hope you worked it out. If not, just email me! :)

  2. complete 100 credits at clickvoyager plus 4 more as it takes the same time because of timer. Camel tabs is great 💚


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