Day Fourteen!
Hi and welcome! :)
Today we are going to talk about ways to get results with traffic exchanges.
You must target your audience with your offer. Traffic exchange surfers are not
really looking for new opportunities, they are looking for tools and ways to
help with their cause.
So getting more out of clicking ads and know what they don't yet know is very attractive to any surfer.
People say that traffic exchanges bring poor results, yet all they have is a generic affiliate link with
poor headline that is a chore to read.
A simple message works best in traffic exchanges and today I'm going to give you a way you can have someone to talk to and offer your services of traffic exchange surfer.
For that we are going to use LeadsLeap's page builder.
Step one is to go to your LeadsLeap account, scroll down to Page Manager and click "Add a new page"
Give it a name like TEservice
Click +Add a new design to start
Add A Blank Page Design
Click Launch Editor
Choose Out of box design
Click on any element, like the smiling lady to bring on this menu:
Click on the bin to delete all the elements of the page. We are looking for white, blank page
Paste in this text here:
"Send Me Your Link and I'll Point All Eyes On You!"
(Immediate Response - I'm Live Right Now)"
Drag and resize text and put it into middle
Make it look like this(drag a bit down from top and resize, put in the middle or red boarder:
Now Highlight: Send Me in the text editor and click on insert link
Paste in this link in URL field:'s%20My%20Link
Change my email to yours and do not touch anything else. Click ok
Now anyone who clicks on that link will open email and paste in
the link they are promoting, and send it to you!
Let's finish the page by going to List and select No opt-in form on this page
Click save and your page is ready to be put into your rotator:
Go To Rotators and click on manage links, Click "Add Page Links",
Select TEservice and click on Submit
go back to Page Manager. locate your newly created page and click on Activate page.
Now people will email you the link they want to send traffic to. Use this opportunity to
introduce yourself and show them proof(screenshot, video) that you have put his ad
in rotation.
After a day email that person again with traffic you sent him(screenshot/video)
and tell how this person can get a continues traffic for a small prize.
Also tell people about this training where they can get skills they need to get a lot of traffic and start
building relationships with people. The cost of not applying this training is loss of comfort of your own house, making impact in other people's lives and working on your dreams according to your will.
Remember, anything worth having is going to take a lot of work and patience.
It's about shaping who you are and that's no easy task. But it is quite simple!
Keep on shining! I see you tomorrow! :)
P.P.S. Use this video for visual aid...
Done :)