Day Thirty One!

Hey, friendo!

Today we are adding a welcome email!

I just wanted to take a moment to congratulate you on your progress!
Everything you have done so far is nothing short of an amazing!

You have come a long way, friendo! :)

Here are the steps to make your Welcome Email in LeadsLeap:

Step 1) Go down to Tools -> List Manager 
and click on Customize verification email and welcome email

Step 2) Scroll down and just below Welcome Email, Click on View/Edit This Email

Step 3) In Subject line put: ~firstname~, Welcome To The Team Surfing!

The ~firstname~ tag is how autoresponder sends out people's names.
If you want to call someone by their name, you use this tag!

Step 4) In body, paste in this whole email or create your own by writing it now
Don't worry, you can always edit it later

Below is my welcome email

Step 5) Once you have pasted in text in Body, scroll down to click Save Changes

Step 6) You will be presented with this window. Simply close it!

Step 7) Now go back into Welcome Email and click on Send Test to see if everything
shows up nicely and correctly:

That is all! You have done a wonderful job! Now when people sign up to your list
they will receive this message! You can edit it at any time and add your links,
your message. It is easy and simple! Hope you liked it :)

Tomorrow I will show you how you can link your list to your LeadsLeap page
and start receiving subscribers! Woohoo! :)

Click here for day Thirty Two!

P.S. Here is the email I use(in case you couldn't copy it above):

Well hello there, ~firstname~!

Please, read this message with care! It's for your
own good and well being. I care for you deeply!

Welcome to our team! Before tell you more about us,
let me tell you about myself...

My name is Andris Lukjanovs, also known as Andrew Levin.
I live in Latvia, Europe and I started my online journey
back in 2007(15 years ago).

It all started on our local social site, which said you
could earn good money online by watching ads. It got my
interest and I invested over $50 to find out that my account
has been banned because I followed the guys suggestions. He
used some sort of illegal software to earn money from PTC and
I lost all my money because I didn't know about it.
Terrible advice and experience.

But that didn't stop me!

I found a new way to earn money online by reading emails and
building downlines in Paid To Read sites. This was a paid
system, another $37 someone asked for something that could be
easily done for free. I never succeeded with it. However,
they did introduce me to traffic exchanges!

So big thank you for this gem! :)

When I first used traffic exchanges, I felt rich! I felt
like I found something great! Something powerful and useful!

And this is how I made my first $5 online with a simple email! Yay!

Back in 2007 I googled "How to earn money with traffic exchanges"
and I found the famous Traffic Exchange Profits(TEprofits) system!
I followed the instructions and within 30 minutes sent out my first
safelist ad with a title: "Stop Being a Victim!"

And that's how I made my first ebook sale of $5 profit straight into
my PayPal account. It felt amazing...for about 15 seconds...when I
quickly realized that this person didn't even log in to read the ebook.
I felt helpless. I felt like I was just cheating...again!

I was growing up with a simple teaching - do not let anything go to waste.
Pay attention to every crumb, every detail and do not be negligent.

Something that the world was starting to quickly forget...

Anyways, with tools introduced in TEprofits, I was able to create my very
first splash page and made my second sale! I was hooked!

But I was sad that my downline didn't replicate or make any progress. I was
even more sad that they had to compete with me and everyone else who used
the system.

This got me so upset that I wrote down my frustration into a letter and started
to promote it. To my surprise, people started to join me. I was first in the
industry to offer teamwork and promising to surf and build downlines for other
people. Soon after many more people joined me.

I made over $100 every month and my income was just going up!

But I stopped again after realizing that my downline had
years of waiting to achieve what I was promising(selling a dream)

This didn't bond well with me! I felt like I was robbing people.
Other people didn't see what I saw so they kept doing it. It did
bring them riches for years and years.

I left because I knew that eventually this too will collapse. And it did.
I had no interest in taking people's money for myself. I just wanted to give
the hard working surfers what they deserve - comfortable monthly income to

And then it all came crashing down on me...I got very sick.

At the end of 2012 I was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia.

I found a few loving people that helped me through it and I even met a person
who said: "I love you very much!" It seemed like this person knew me very
well, because he took my comb and separated my hair right where I have my
hair path and he was a total mad man who could barely walk straight. Even his
physiology changed dramatically when he said it.

A miracle and best message I ever received from a total stranger!

I got more inspired after I survived the terrible episodes of paranoid schizophrenia. That's why I decided to help people and finish what I started with traffic exchanges.

My monthly income is $180, but I don't have any bills other than food. I live
and help my mother who got sick at the same time. She's still struggling while
I feel so much better. I feel duty to help her

Why Use Traffic Exchanges? Even today!?

So now you know me a bit...but the question is - why traffic exchanges?
Do they still work? The short answer is: Yes!

People are still making money with them.

Traffic exchanges attract customers that bring in more customers. Think
about the way you get here. It's a very similar path for others and most
of them are already looking for what you are looking for.

This makes traffic exchanges a good place to find people interested to build
income together.

Every day I get subscribers to my list looking for a way to earn income online
Most of us have the same dream of an online lifestyle. Do you?

Problem is that people promise a moon and the sun that aren't based on reality.
In reality if you want to make 64 000 a month, 6400 people have to pay you
$10 each or 640 people have to pay you $100 each. Every single month!

While it is the reality of very few, it's not real for most. Most people don't make
money online. They lose it. And some people lose a lot of money, money they can't
afford to lose. I imagine that starts a dispute or disagreement within the family.

I know it does in mine!

This is why I want to help you in a truthful, genuine way!

Most people fail to earn money online. In fact only 10 people out of 100
earn any kind of income. Most lose money! But why?

I don't know, but here's what I do know...

Those who make effective systems earn the most. For example, if you own a
traffic exchange and offer up to %40 commissions, you will earn as minimum
%60 of profits from every sale that every member makes. You get the big cut,
while others have to rely on their own ability to attract customers.

It's easy to see that the person who makes the system earns big,
while others get a fraction of the money. You are one, they are many.

This is the reason why numbers don't change. 90% of any system users fail. Systems
are great because they do most of the work, but they are incomplete without human
interaction. This is why in my opinion people should have the power!

This same system rules over the world making humans fight over scraps while very
few people, just %1 hold 99% the money that is made in the world.

The good news is that this system is starting to fall and I want to do my work to be a
part of something new and sustainable.

Most people go to work to pay bills. I go to work because I want to,
not because I need to.

Small shift, big difference!

It's not about the money, it's about the relationships and communication.

I want the same freedom for you!

Ask yourself if you find surfing a fun and interesting way to spend time
and you will stay long enough to bring in success you deserve!

It's a Law!

I stay with traffic exchanges because I know I don't need another industry. I need
a new mindset, a new way of thinking and communicating that thinking to others.

So that's why I choose to build a list with traffic exchanges...but more importantly,
I choose to give away what I can and what I learned to others.

So here's how to join my income strategy...

You already know how hard it is to get a referral.
Only 5% of people are good at promotion.

But everyone can surf for 30 minutes! Or with a small
investment, get it down to just 3 minutes of surfing.

That is why I offer you to join a free opportunity that
has a potential to earn you 0.45 Bitcoin a year!

Don't worry, you can easily convert it to dollars = $15 308

And the best part is, this opportunity won't take your
traffic away. In fact, it will add one of the most quality
traffic there is in the traffic exchange industry!

Just think about it:

You join a free opportunity
I give you 4 referrals
You surf 30-3 minutes a day
100% of focus goes to YOUR business

You can simply add this opportunity on top of
what you are already doing!

It's awesome!

I want you to succeed so greatly that I am
willing to build your downline

That's right!

I am willing to help you out immensely.

Join for free today. Browse the members
area for more information and watch me
do the work.

You win here - I win here - Everyone wins here!

If you are interested, just reply to this email with Yes and we will take it from there!

In a meanwhile, you can...

Visit my blog and start learning the best ways to surf traffic exchanges to get results

That's it!

All the updates and report you will receive every Monday!
If you have questions, I am always available.


P.S. Here are some facts and proofs:
I have paid my TOP surfers more than $1450 since September 18th, 2021:

P.P.S. I have delivered 1.31Million hits to the team page in less than 6 month:

P.P.P.S.I have been surfing almost every day since 27.07.2021


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