Day Thirty Eight


Today we are going to learn about
credit management!

First, let me introduce you a little
program that keeps track of your credits!

Step 1) Join TEcommandpost

Step 2) Once in the members area, click Traffic Exchanges

Step 3) In the search box, search for exchange you use daily:
In my case, let it be Easy Online Advertising

Step 4) From there, enter your referral ID and click Save Referral IDs

Step 5) Now click on +Add

Step 6) Enter your username, password for your exchange that you added
Click Add To TE Command Post

Step 7) Now you are able to see how much credits you have

Step 8) You can add up to 10 exchanges for free to keep an eye of unassigned credits
Make sure your traffic flow is flawless!

You can check your credits when you go to TE Credits:

Another way to make sure your credits are being used is to
set up your auto-assign for each exchange

Here is how:

For example, at EasyOnlineAdvertising, go to Set Up Ads-->Credits-->Auto Assign

From there simply enter percentages that you are happy with:
In my case I leave 1% unassigned

That is it!
Whenever you have surfed for a week,
go back into TEcommandPost and check your credits

Monitor your traffic flow and make sure you waste nothing

You can also earn double credits each Sunday using

Simply surf Traffic-Splash and TrafficEra together with HungryForHits
and you will earn double credits at each exchange

Bye for now!

Click here for Day Thirty Nine


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